Our licensed acupuncturists incorporate a unique combination of eastern and western medicine, Oriental medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine into their craft. A board-certified acupuncturist is also educated in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, herbology, and drug interactions. This blend in perspective enables an acupuncturist to apply natural holistic therapies used for thousands of years as alternative medicine to help heal common conditions that might otherwise be treated via drugs or other more invasive methods.
Acupuncture is a very gentle therapy that is also science-based; in fact, it’s often so relaxing that many patients actually fall asleep during their sessions.
Acupuncture is also fantastic for treating patients in severe discomfort who feel like they are too sore or in too much pain to be touched. Our professionals have experience working with a wide variety of patients throughout the San Diego area who suffer from many different ailments.
Acupuncture can treat a very wide range of conditions. Patients see an acupuncturist for physical issues such as neck and back pain, headaches, sciatica, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, sports injuries, and many others.
Acupuncture treatments may also be helpful at treating various symptoms and health issues such as high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, depression, infertility, and other physiological imbalances.
Chiropractique is much more than your standard San Diego acupuncture clinic, and we highly recommend speaking to a team member about your health needs and goals. Book your appointment now and see what we can do for you.
Call Us
(619) 269-9909
Chiropractique 813 West Washington Street
San Diego, CA 92103